Traditional Art

These are all of my sketches. Done from varying drawing utensils; crayons, pencils,
 marker, pen, etc. Any final versions are on another page (Finals). Most of my
art is done by pencil i.e sketches. I don't do much with them on the computer due to
not being very good with anything technology related, though I am trying to be better.

Some pictures will look somewhat pink due to the camera on my old phone.

My Little Brother

Barnabas (Dark Shardows)

Pirates and Mermaids

Soaring II: Colored Pencil

Soaring I: Colored Pencil

108 Characters. Go to my DeviantART account to this
picture to see a list of all characters and shows

Pet Dinosaur

My Very Cuddly Friend

Left Cartoon Shoe: Finished

Right Cartoon Shoe: Finished

Left Cartoon Shoe: WIP

Right Cartoon Shoe: WIP

Water color painting of a skull and crossbones

Apple Test

DP 2 Point Perspective

Pastel Turtle

Painting Leaves

Terrible Terror Pointillism


Cup of Tea

Green Monster [looks like my brother]

This is the first thing I've done with [good] colored pencils.
We had to take a part of a picture from a magazine and continue
it using colored pencils

Monochromatic painting. Calm:Violet

Perspective hallway drawing [with extra credit]

Shape shading

Shoe drawing

York Peppermint hatching style with quill pen and ink

Name in .1 perspective

Doodles. These are in consideration for having more done
with them on Paint

I want him to be a villain. I just need a name for him

Music in My Soul

The concert poster I made for the contest. More
about it on the Home page

This is the first poster I made for the contest, but
the one above this is the one that I decided to enter

Music, my favorite thing

Done with blue ball point papermate pen

There's a chalk version of this on the chalk page

Castle Music

Child's Play

A Girl and Her Friend

A Dress

Dragon Dance

Girl and Creature

Phases of the Heart [Normal, In Love, Broken,
Mend and Heal]

Doodles from colorful pens

More doodles from colorful pens


Dream House, Crayon [My new dream house has
three fake front doors]

Button-Eyed [Coraline anyone?]


There's No Limit To Imagination

Little Doll

Lost [in Cyberspace?]

Why Can't We Be Friends

Mechanical [I was thinking of my dad when I made
this. It kind of looks like him]


Octopie [Inspired by orchestra class]

Flying Ship:Birds Eye View

Flying Ship:Front/Back

Flying Ship:Side

Rose Bud

Shrunken Head

Soul Eaters

Squid Hand [or Octopus]

Man Badge [for a friend of my brothers']
