These are all of my sketches. Done from varying drawing utensils; crayons, pencils,
marker, pen, etc. Any final versions are on another page (Finals). Most of my
art is done by pencil i.e sketches. I don't do much with them on the computer due to
not being very good with anything technology related, though I am trying to be better.
Some pictures will look somewhat pink due to the camera on my old phone.
Pirates and Mermaids
Some pictures will look somewhat pink due to the camera on my old phone.
My Little Brother
Barnabas (Dark Shardows)
Pirates and Mermaids
Soaring II: Colored Pencil
Soaring I: Colored Pencil
108 Characters. Go to my DeviantART account to this
picture to see a list of all characters and shows
Pet Dinosaur
My Very Cuddly Friend
Left Cartoon Shoe: Finished
Right Cartoon Shoe: Finished
Left Cartoon Shoe: WIP
Right Cartoon Shoe: WIP
Water color painting of a skull and crossbones
Terrible Terror Pointillism
Cup of Tea
Green Monster [looks like my brother]
This is the first thing I've done with [good] colored pencils.
We had to take a part of a picture from a magazine and continue
it using colored pencils
Monochromatic painting. Calm:Violet
Perspective hallway drawing [with extra credit]
Shape shading
Shoe drawing
York Peppermint hatching style with quill pen and ink
Name in .1 perspective
Doodles. These are in consideration for having more done
with them on Paint
I want him to be a villain. I just need a name for him
Music in My Soul
The concert poster I made for the contest. More
about it on the Home page
This is the first poster I made for the contest, but
the one above this is the one that I decided to enter
Music, my favorite thing
Done with blue ball point papermate pen
There's a chalk version of this on the chalk page
Castle Music
Child's Play
A Girl and Her Friend
A Dress
Dragon Dance
Girl and Creature
Phases of the Heart [Normal, In Love, Broken,
Mend and Heal]
Doodles from colorful pens
More doodles from colorful pens
Dream House, Crayon [My new dream house has
three fake front doors]
Button-Eyed [Coraline anyone?]
There's No Limit To Imagination
Little Doll
Lost [in Cyberspace?]
Why Can't We Be Friends
Mechanical [I was thinking of my dad when I made
this. It kind of looks like him]
Octopie [Inspired by orchestra class]
Flying Ship:Birds Eye View
Flying Ship:Front/Back
Flying Ship:Side
Rose Bud
Shrunken Head
Soul Eaters
Squid Hand [or Octopus]
Man Badge [for a friend of my brothers']